I've been using Itsa Greener Clean laundry detergent for about a year now, and I just thought I'd throw down my 2 cents on it!
As a cloth diaper detergent, it is hands down the best I have found. I have never had issues with buildup and it cleans better than I could have dreamed in my hard well-water. I do have to use a little extra than the directions state, but that's true for a lot of things at my house! Maia's diapers are soft and clean and fresh every time!
As a laundry detergent in general, I also love it! I completely weaned myself from harsh fabric softeners, and have no need for them with Itsa Greener Clean since it contains natural softeners! And because it doesn't leave any residue, is all natural and gentle, it can be used for the whole family. Since switching all of our soaps and cleaners to natural, my son's persistent exzema has nearly completely resolved without medication. (bonus savings there!).
As a general household cleaner, you can mix it with hot water to clean the kitchen, bathroom, floors, toilets, just about anything! Just be sure to rinse food surfaces before you're finished.
And, my recent experiment- it works great in a pinch in your dishwasher ;-) I don't know what the long-term affects it would have on the dishes, but I do have to say so myself that it works. Not as well as true dishwasher detergents (of course, that's not what it's formulated for), but I tried it because it doesn't suds up and I knew what a great cleaner it is!
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